Since 1951 the proportion of married women who work has grown from just over a fifth to a half.
Make sure that you know if this person has been married or just came from a break up.
Years later, when the life he once again smiled: Encounters of a favorite girl, and married to wife, gave birth to a boy, a happy life has just begun, he then suddenly die.
Now the maid has married him just the same.
Of course, his daughter has just been married to a man, and he correspondingly has been involved in a new layer of social relations. But these facts do not change the nature of the man.
Shirly has got married, but that's just by the way.
Today is Cilias wedding day, she has just been married to Danel.
Aunt Jane has just got married again.
Alf 's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job.
Today, after being married for 20 years, I found out that my wife has accounts on multiple dating sites, just in case.
In eight years, only mother has twenties and supported family. in her face, I saw is not a just got married soon, that girl wearing the face, but, single-vineyard Chianti, tact, delicacy!
Actor Darcy initially concluded that the Bennett family has so many negative factors, several daughters is difficult to find a man standing may just be that he was married to Elizabeth.
She knows who's married to whom, who's pregnant, which friend has the deadbeat brother-in-law, which cousin is the reformed alcoholic, and whose mother just died a month ago.
She has three children, and her eldest is married, but her youngest has just started school.
She has three children, and her eldest is married, but her youngest has just started school.