Yes. Have a good dinner. Thank you for calling.
Today is Saturday, I want to have a good dinner and get relaxed in your nightclub after a week's tiring work.
We have a big dinner, eat dumplings and stay up late for good luck.
If you’re taking that special someone out for a pricey dinner, why not have your bill go to a good cause?
And how blessed I have so many good friends to support me, and I have so many good friends here in Shanghai, really help me a lot, and just enjoy meeting with them for lunch and for dinner.
Mom: My good son,go to have a bath first,and I go to prepare the dinner.
'I hope, my dear, ' said Mr Bennet to his wife at breakfast the next morning, 'that you have told the cook to send up a good dinner today, as I am expecting a visitor.'
But if there's good white bread at dinner, I attack it, and I still have pasta a couple of times a week. I eat almost no junk food.
Otherwise, you can have a seafood-based dinner at a waterfront location such as Finz. There is a good wine list, the prices are reasonable, and the view of the lake is great.
"I HOPE my dear," said Mr. Bennet to his wife as they were at breakfast the next morning, "that you have ordered a good dinner today, because I have reason to expect an addition to our family party."
After one day work, I usually have a very good dinner.
What's more, the service and environment is good, so that we can have our dinner in a happy mood.
That restaurant is a good place to have dinner.
There you can live in a beautiful house and have good things for dinner every day.
Wine is not a good gift if invited for dinner, as the host may already have selected the wines for dinner.
And when people at home, they still can't have a good rest, there are endless dinner parties and visiting waiting for them, which is exhausted.
Ok. Anyhow, listen, why don't we have dinner together this evening and have a good talk?
The most common form of seats, it appears in various grades of dining space, a small number of people have a good choice for dinner party.
People usually have quite a good dinner on festivals.
We shared a bottle of red wine with dinner and it was so good that we decided to have more wine and a piece of cheesecake for dessert.
We back to Nangqian around 7 pm and have a very good dinner not only for the buntings but also today is the Chinese traditional Dragon Festival.
In the end, whether it is lunch, supper, brunch or dinner, it is a good idea to have four square meals every day.
Good. And please remind him that dinner is optional tonight, if he's not too tired. Otherwise, we have a meeting scheduled for 10 a. m. tomorrow morning.
I have a good idea. Why don't you bring your wife to our place for dinner next week? She can compare notes with my wife.
Fine. Then I'll have a very good place to sleep after dinner.
Fine. Then I'll have a very good place to sleep after dinner.