People who are depressed or who continue smoking after a heart attack often have chest pain a year later and are more likely to have another heart attack or die, U. S. researchers said on Monday.
For years, doctors have been advising their patients to take aspirin daily to decrease their chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Now there's another reason.
I was diagnosed having heart attack two months ago and then a month ago the doctor said that I could not live more than a week if I don't have another healthy heart to change.
At the end of seven years, patients with diabetes and heart disease were more than twice as likely to have had another heart attack as heart disease patients without diabetes.
If you have signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome, your doctor may run several tests to see if your symptoms are caused by a heart attack or another form of chest pain.
If you have signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome, your doctor may run several tests to see if your symptoms are caused by a heart attack or another form of chest pain.