Small grants scattered across deserving causes are likely to have less effect than concentrated efforts.
The materials of tube for loading particles and the load height have less effect on the apparent mass burning rate.
Modern biology theories consider that axillary dissection may have less effect on survival on part of patients with breast cancer.
The empirical analysis reveals that wage, manpower capital and technology have important influences on employment scale, and others have less effect.
The results show that the inertial forces have less effect on deformation of ballistic spring within a limit range of rotation speed, and the deformation can be ignored.
In contrast, winds blowing across the ocean toward the coast of a continent, as in the northwestern United State during winter months, have less effect on the coastal ocean.
Merrill Lynch economists argue that the earthquake should have less of an effect on the country's export-oriented industries, because the chief production sites for those are along the eastern coast.
The more specific JIT optimization, that was narrowed down to, the less adverse performance effect disabling of this optimization option will have as a workaround.
The findings on age effect differed from most similar studies, which show more price sensitivity among young people—presumably because they have less money to spend on alcohol—Willenbring noted.
This may have been triggered by a 250-million-year lull in volcanic activity, which would have meant less carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere, and a reduced greenhouse effect.
In business, we have all had our fair share of overdoing things with unwarranted complexities, which typically winds up with the opposite effect — more is less — as I often do in my volleying.
Indeed, this effect appeared less pronounced than might have been expected.
This suggests that for people fortunate enough to come equipped with the pertinent version of HTR2A, stressful events are less likely to have a negative effect on transient mood.
National chains like Starbucks, McDonald's, Denny's and Dunkin 'Donuts have all introduced less calorific items since menu labelling went into effect in New York.
The effect has been to underutilise one of the big organisational advantages that the Big Four have: a large pool of partners who can help coach less experienced staff.
四大的优势之一:拥有大量的合伙人,这些人可以培训缺乏经验的员工。 而这方面的优势被低估了。
The fewer features other browsers have, the less interesting this hover effect becomes.
Yet critics fear that it may mean less money for recreational sports facilities, which would have the opposite effect.
As evidenced from the data shown in the figure, encouraging the use of less carbon-heavy modes of transportation can have the overall effect of decreasing a sample population's overall footprint.
It is also important to note that your weapon of choice will have more or less effect against your opponent depending on the circumstances of the attack.
Apple's new subscription rules for its iTunes app store have been in effect for less than two months. But that's long enough for us to get a good idea of how media companies are responding.
Another hurricane striking Louisiana or Texas this year, even if less severe than the storms in 2005, could have a similar effect on pump prices.
The other two gases have significantly less impact: isoflurane is only a third as powerful a greenhouse gas as is desflurane and sevoflurance has only an eighth of desflurane's effect.
But still have the less drop of water of dimension to make progress until separating the strainer place in accompany with oil liquid under the inertia effect.
A new study shows dry red wines high in tannins, such as those made in southwest Franin Italy, have a greater protective effect than less tannic wines produced in other parts of the world.
If you drink any coffee or tea, have it between meals so it has less of an effect on your iron absorption.
Less frequent calls, shorter in duration, should also have some preventative effect.
Less frequent calls, shorter in duration, should also have some preventative effect.