In the meanwhile we have not only been to Beijing but also to Russia.
These advances have not only been in the fields of science and medicine, but also in the field of entertainment.
The scale of the stock's fall makes it possible that the foreseeable losses, huge as they are, have not only been priced in, but even overpriced.
We have not only been satisfied with the customers smile and cordial sure, but also thanks to foreign Medium ushered in a renewed contract for another.
Nowadays, Academicians have not only been the representatives of authority in various fields of society, but also been playing an important role in them.
Venus has been in that house too, so if you feel things have not only been fine, but even quite wonderful, you can thank Venus for casting her bewitching spell.
More important, some extravagant officials have not only been safe and sound but received quick promotion as well, thanks to their 'generosity', 'boldness' and 'capability of coordinating relations'.
The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment.
Wheatley may have been the first, but she was not the only slave to write books during the growing days of the Republic.
Our research team has been looking at cultural differences in self-enhancing motivations, helping people have positive feelings towards not only themselves but things connected to themselves.
If he did not do it, then the adventure would be proved to have been only a dream.
Which there might not have been had I started with the only joke I can ever remember. What did the policeman say to his stomach?
Not only have they been known to kill and maim their own young, they also kill porpoises and play with their dead carcass for no apparent reason other than its fun.
Statistics have been updated, and not only is nrows populated but we also see when statistics were last updated.
Once you have been doubted, no matter you explain or not, there is only one result that you have been confirmed to have done something.
But so far they have been scarce, and only partly because many projects are not yet up and running.
There have been film and television productions of not only Pride and Prejudice, but also Emma, Persuasion, and the Oscar-winning Sense and Sensibility.
Although I have always seen value in agile practices, I have not been an early adopter — a role I typically assume only when the risk and stakes are low.
I only admit mature, do not believe they have been growing old.
Shipping our television to the UK was out of the question—not only would it have been prohibitively expensive, it was unlikely to work here anyway.
American consumer-internet companies have not been the only beneficiaries of this flood of cash.
Not only was Shakespeare the greatest English writer, he could have been no other kind.
In essence, we have been provided not only the means to be more free, but also to become new, to create and project a more perfect self to the world.
The Swiss franc, the only European franc not to have been replaced by the Euro, is used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
China and India have been catching up to America not only via cheap labor and currencies.
And Chicxulub may not have been the only blow to strike the unfortunate dinosaurs at around the same time.
And Chicxulub may not have been the only blow to strike the unfortunate dinosaurs at around the same time.