Using Legilimency is apparently not legally restricted, as neither Snape nor Dumbledore appears to have qualms about doing so in teaching Harry or in questioning people in emergencies.
I have no qualms about recommending the same approach to other doctors.
Or at least have fewer qualms about doing so?
We did it, we did it consciously, I have no qualms about it, and, to my eye, the paintings in question looked differently from show to show.
Consumers have had no qualms about expressing their concerns.
BP must surely have its qualms about this; but all the parties' interests are at least aligned on one thing. They want those Arctic oilfields to make money.
If they have feedback, we listen. If we agree, we have no qualms about saying that we will adjust our analysis.
I guess I'd have some qualms, too, about buying into a closed system owned by a single, modest-size company.
I have no qualms about recommending this approach.
It is also one of the best looking direct mount stems currently out there and carries some tidy tricks up its sleeve so we have no qualms about showing it again.
Recently, Hawking, who has no qualms about recanting his own work if he decides he was wrong, may have transcended his famous proof that singularities exist.
Did you have any qualms about this symbol? Did you ever think it was too "branded" and "slick"?
Nasri would have no qualms about joining United and his comments from an interview in March are worth recounting.
Although I advise that you refrain from decoding XML documents with AD hoc routines, I have no qualms about writing.
Nowadays, Darwin's successors no longer have any qualms about addressing the 'why' as well as the 'how'.
Much to the dismay of those in the music industry, many people have no qualms about illegally downloading music files from the Internet.
The self-assured may appear to be doing better than they are and will have fewer qualms about badgering for a pay rise.
The actor explains that she knows that there are a lot of things that she wouldn't be able to do even if her job requires her to do it, but she doesn't have any qualms about that.
If Thierry Henry was playing in defence, Arsenal manager Arsène Wenger would not have had any qualms about playing his top striker.
However, a spiritual seeker should have no qualms about sacrificing life for the sake of Dharma.
However, a spiritual seeker should have no qualms about sacrificing life for the sake of Dharma.