He showed grace and humility when he mentioned her: "So, with this tonight, I honor you and the moral of the story is, listen to your mother."
After a long time, she told the doleful story to her friend and said she felt bemused why he would leave suddenly.
But even as he said it, he was shaking his head, and Sister Carlotta was grinning and shaking her head, too, so that they would know that this was all a lie. A cover story.
In the boring night-shift work time, he cast his extreme rich imagination, co-workers and customers all fantasy into her head the role of knitting story.
He told the visitor the entire story about Li Wan and her relationship with him.
He held her close and listened with amazement as she told her story.
So what you're saying is if I hear a story about a girl who's been with a guy for 13 years and he finally married her, that's the exception.
Jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.
When he heard the story of Karen, he cut her feet off and made her a pair of crutches.
Love, for me, too elusive, and after all, he did not truly have been, and I will use the language of Qian and unique people went to her to narrate a story of similar two mice.
Widow mother in contemporary love story always loves to use her power excessively to suppress her son and meddle in his affair when he fells in love.
He lost his little sister during the war due to malnutrition. He blamed himself for her death for a long time, and wrote this story to come to terms with it.
He confidently craves her pardon, which Tess is only too delighted to grant; And, with the first real gleam of hope, unfolds her own sad story.
It was this, all of it, and more, that he had put into his story, and it was this, he believed, that warmed her as she sat and listened.
He assumed that JFK was meeting with someone about the crisis, but then he saw that Kennedy was sitting with his young daughter Caroline in his lap and was reading her a story.
He assumed that JFK was meeting with someone about the crisis, but then he saw that Kennedy was sitting with his young daughter Caroline in his lap and was reading her a story.