He is a bad guy, Always Zoumei Yun, both plugs teeth are turbid water kind of person, Every day he prayed to God, Hope that their luck to become better.
他是个倒霉的家伙,总是走霉运,属于喝凉水都塞牙缝的那种人, 他每天都向上苍祈祷,希望自己的运气能变好一些。
And if he is killing small animals at the dinner table - bad guy to be on a date with.
Kevin : If you were kinda dating this guy and he said he would pay for you not to come as a catering waiter to this event tonight, but as his date, is…is that … so bad?
He is a little guy. He's not a bad teacher though.
Bauer is disembowelling a bad guy to retrieve a SIM card with vital information on it that he has swallowed.
He calls every Kobe fan he knows every time Kobe has a bad game to say "I told you so" but he is the hardest guy to find every time Kobe has great game or hit's a game winning shot.
He calls every Kobe fan he knows every time Kobe has a bad game to say "I told you so" but he is the hardest guy to find every time Kobe has great game or hit's a game winning shot.