He also opposed Mr Bush's tax cuts (because, he protests, they were not balanced by spending cuts).
After this all the protests had to stop. Thus the Simpleton received the crown, and he ruled wisely for a long time.
Over the protests of his wife, who was alarmed at such a dangerous invention, at one point he was ready to set the house on fire.
“I think he’s sometimes misconstrued as arrogant, and I don’t think he is,” says Aly, who joined the protests against the regime in recent weeks.
'Brazilians are happy, including me and my son. I agree with the protests, but it's not the time right now,' he said, chanting 'Brazil! Brazil!' before riding off.
While he protests against the Vietnam War he reveals the hegemonic discourse in cultural conflicts and new cowboy concepts in expanding the West to Asia and even the whole world.
With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite the howl of protests.
He said that those who had been taking part in unauthorised street protests across the country deserved to be beaten and claimed that Russian police were no tougher than in other countries.
With foreign diplomats in tow, he recently went to Bilin, a village famous for its protests, and opened a conference for “Palestinian popular resistance”.
Like the squalor he lived in, they were protests against a former life.
SOON after mass protests against Colonel Muammar Qaddafi took off, he sought to make sure he would either keep control of the country's oil or prevent the rebels from having it.
As his legal bills exploded, Mr Norris reluctantly changed his plea to guilty, though he still protests his innocence.
The speech helped create King's public image as a seeker of justice and equality. He based the movement on non-violent resistance, leading large peaceful protests.
Bungling prison officers handed Martynas Kupstys his clothes and belongings and, despite his protests, said he had to leave.
The Rev. Al Sharpton is promising to shut down New York City with protests. He says the officers acquitted in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell should be required to face a jury.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday he had canceled a book signing in London this week to mark the launch of his memoirs, over fears the event would be hit by protests.
Hawthorne supports women in regard of true love and rights and protests against discrimination and inequality against women while he endorses women's submission, renunciation and devotion.
In order for his daughter Si 'en to enroll into a prestigious school, he purchases an apartment unit within close vicinity of the school and a new car despite his wife Xin Bei's protests.
In order for his daughter Si 'en to enroll into a prestigious school, he purchases an apartment unit within close vicinity of the school and a new car despite his wife Xin Bei's protests.