But he says he understood why she wanted revenge.
Mom finally let Jamie off the hook for the prank when she believed he understood why she was angry and was truly contrite.
I never understood why he didn't just accede to our demands at the outset.
But because they heard all the mental issues, they understood what was going on in him and understood why he did what he did.
Once you've understood why an organization needs SOA, he states that "SOA is a form of solution it can only be effective if it solves the problem at hand."
He admitted that he was not familiar with Ostrom's work before today, but now understood why she had won.
It was clear to everyone, it was clear to him too, and I understood why he had adopted an expression of irritation as his defining feature.
Now, I understood why he said no to March a few minutes earlier.
“I never understood,” Nathan said, “why he thought cards could make it all O.K.”
I understood that love to a point as a child, but I didn't understand that if God loved me why did He make me like this?
“It was a situation where the Spurs understood why Michael wanted to pursue other opportunities elsewhere,” Thomas said. “He wants to be part of the mix again.
At that moment I understood why Larry rushed to the recording mahcine every time he went back home.
Lily understood why he had been so excited the other day.
I sat down with him and explained why I had to let him go, and he understood. But his wife didn't.
I understood quite well why he wouldn't explain it to me. It was going to hurt.
And I understood why he had told met he story about Torrance.
It was only after he explained that I understood why he was so sad.
I have never understood why it should be considered derogatory to the Creator to suppose that he has a sense of humour.
That's why Snowy understood why a snowflake tasted that lovely: he smelled the sea in it.
At first, I thought I understood Woomin best and had some different views from the director. But later I came to understand why he asked me to restrain my emotions.
What most afflicted him with the sense of nightmare was that he had never clearly understood why the huge imposture was undertaken.
He wondered why he had dreaded this meeting. So, when he had surely known in his heart. He would be understood, forgiven.
He wondered why he had dreaded this meeting. So, when he had surely known in his heart. He would be understood, forgiven.