He was portrayed by Martin Archer Shee in red coat at a bloody battle.
As for the older Pierre berge (81), he was portrayed as the gentle philanthropist who arranged for le Monde's staff to retain a minority stake in the new capital structure.
He offered his findings to the American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association but was spurned; he subsequently portrayed psychiatry and psychology as demonic competitors.
Back when he was cultivating a maverick image, Mr. McCain portrayed himself as more environmentally aware than the rest of his party.
Then: : In the books, John Watson was a former army surgeon injured in the second Afghan war of 1878-1880. He has often been portrayed as Holmes' rather bumblingassistant.
I think Yularen is being portrayed as one of those guys that was going along just because he was an officer.
His screen image is portrayed as naive, innocent, sincere and encouraging. He was a nobody until 2004 when he starred in the film, a World Without Thieves.
He was created by Wes Craven, and has been consistently portrayed by Robert Englund since his first appearance.
He wrote further that he remembered a film he had seen in which a man was portrayed who waited for death in a courageous and dignified way.
He wrote further that he remembered a film he had seen in which a man was portrayed who waited for death in a courageous and dignified way.