With this type of therapy, people first learn how to identify their unique headache and migraine triggers.
It will also be of interest to those pain researchers dealing with mechanisms related to headache and migraine.
With this type of therapy, people first learn how to identify their unique headache and migraine triggers. Common ones include.
Migraine has been more frequently studied than other types of headache disorder, and has received a lot of attention - though is less common.
The doctor attributed his symptoms to stress and diagnosed a migraine headache.
When the nerves that travel to the brain are stimulated, the blood vessels in the front of the head expand and contract like they do during a migraine headache.
Migraine and headache. Foods may trigger not only migraine but also tension type headache, which feels like tightening of a band around the head, making the whole head ache.
Men's ability to turn a sniffle into flu and a headache into a migraine has long been a source of irritation to wives and girlfriends.
男性将流鼻涕转变成流感,将轻微头痛转变成偏头痛的“能力”,长期以来一直是激怒他们妻子和女朋友的一个根源。 (因为普遍认为女性在流感面前更脆弱。)
The most common adverse reactions reported by patients being treated for chronic migraine were neck pain and headache.
The comorbidity of depression and migraine headache may be due in part to Shared genetic risk factors.
METHODS: This study prospectively recruited consecutive migraine and ch patients treated at a headache clinic.
Objective To investigate the diagnosis of headache epilepsy and differential diagnosis of the disease from migraine.
Recent research demonstrates that BTX -a may be an effective therapy for pain syndrome, such as myofascial pain, migraine and different type of headache.
This book brings together researchers and clinicians from the forefront of these two disciplines to explore how the basic pain mechanisms relate to migraine and other forms of headache.
Of these, 2,250 had migraine and 4,803 had tension or unspecified headache as their primary discharge diagnosis.
Objective: To investigate the value of the trigeminal exteroceptive suppression (es) of temporalis and masseter muscles on tension-type headache (TTH) and migraine using electromyography (EMG).
Chronic migraine is defined as having a history of migraine and experiencing a headache on most days of the month.
Objective Migraine with aura is a kind of disease. It is a recurrent headache commonly due to dysfunction of relax and contraction of inside or outside cranial vessel.
Chronic rhinitis and its association with headache frequency and disability in persons with migraine: Results of the American migraine Prevalence and Prevention (AMPP) Study.
Conclusion Early AAO, obvious family history and severe headache may yield poor prognosis in patients with migraine.
结论 起病早、家族史明显、头痛严重的偏头痛患者,预后较差;
The conclusion is, in the process of dealing with both "Title" and "Abstract", we all can get the target word "magnesium" from the beginning retrieval word "migraine headache".
Objective:To explore the effects of Lutong An grain on hemorheologic parameters and to investigate the clinic effect on Vascular Headache (Migraine).
This course applies to: excess use of brain, migraine headache, headache, bad quality sleeping, deaminess and festless sleep, decline of memory, stiff cervical vertebra, aching, weak and numb arms.
Tanner, 21, had a migraine headache and took a sick day last week from her job at Blue Banana, a body-piercing studio, she said on Monday.
The EEG in migraine, although the interim period may have focal slow-wave and middle temporal sharp wave, but in the ipsilateral headache, and often disappear after sleep.
He develops a severe headache for the past 3 years and has put cut off as migraine and stress from work.
He develops a severe headache for the past 3 years and has put cut off as migraine and stress from work.