After you have added this header, be sure to save it (click the check box next to the layout name).
To enable header compression, select the Compress message headers box, as indicated in the figure by the red arrow.
For example, many pages might have a header title, a breadcrumb, a search box, and a horizontal divider.
Table not allowed in footnote, endnote, header, footer, comment, or text box.
A third example is another portal project in which each box header has a small "Add to my page" icon.
第三个示例是另外一个门户项目,其中各对话框的标题栏中带有一个小小的“Add to my page”图标。
In the next step the logon data is passed to a full IBM Cognos 8 authentication provider using the REMOTE_USER standard header which most out of the box authentication Providers support for SSO.
You can check the AutoFit height box to have the height of the header or footer automatically adjust.
Whenever I click on the text box the keypad comes up and the whole page including the header is moving to the top and it can be seen only by scrolling the page.
Table not allowed in footnote, endnote, header, footer, annotation, or text box.
不能在脚注、尾注、页眉、 页脚 、批注或文本框中使用表格。
Our main products are pin header connector, female header connector, box header connector, ejector header, round needles, IC sockets with round holes, flat cables and other types of connector.
Our main products are pin header connector, female header connector, box header connector, ejector header, round needles, IC sockets with round holes, flat cables and other types of connector.