That's why when public health agencies want to assess the overall health of a given country or state, they always start with average life expectancy.
As the health and life expectancy of the elderly continues to improve in the future-as they surely will - retirement ages should be raised beyond age 70.
Health and survival, which measures life expectancy and mortality rates.
While life expectancy is higher for women than men in most countries, a number of health and social factors combine to create a lower quality of life for women.
Instead, differences, within and between countries, in income levels, opportunities, health status, access to care, and life expectancy are greater today than at any time in recent history.
"Public health and sanitation has been the single greatest improvement in our life expectancy," Grayson said.
Type II heart: associated with better health, longer life expectancy and low risk of heart disease.
Data gathered by the National Center for Health Statistics showed that life expectancy for most American men was 75.3 years in 2008, down by one-tenth of a year from 2007.
They tend to have greater access to social and health services, literacy rates are higher, and life expectancy is longer.
However an investigation in the United Kingdom found that people with mental health disorders and intellectual impairments had a lower life expectancy.
Doctors praise the preventive health care in mountainous Nagano prefecture, which has the highest life expectancy and the lowest health-care costs in Japan.
And Russia is grappling with myriad health and social problems that have reduced the average life expectancy for men to 60.
The report combines hard statistics such as life expectancy and health-care spending as a share of GDP with weighted assessments of other indicators.
Thanks to better sanitation, more food and improved public health, average life expectancy in low and middle-income countries has risen from 50 in 1965 to 65 in 2005.
But as the graph after the jump shows, the disconnect between health spending and life expectancy isn't unique to America.
American health Numbers are stunning for a rich country: based on studies by the OECD and the World health Organization, we're 27th in life expectancy, 18th in diabetes and first in obesity.
Health is poor and life expectancy is low.
Health outcomes too are decidedly unequal; the gap between the life expectancy of the top and bottom 10% respectively rose from 2.8 years to 4.5 between 1980 and 2000.
Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world but the reasons, says an analysis, are as much to do with equality and public health measures as diet.
Here's the graph provided by CNN that shows pretty convincing that a nation's health expenditures are a pretty poor indicator of life expectancy around the world.
Yet, life expectancy, maternal health, under-5 and infant mortality and poverty levels have all improved dramatically since 1970.
One conclusions that is often drawn from graphs like these is: the UK has an publicly-run health care system that would make Newt Gingrich's head explode, but they still have higher life-expectancy.
人们经常从类似这样的图表中得出一个结论是,尽管英国有着一个会让前众议院议长纽特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)感到头大的公共医疗体系,他们的人均寿命还是要比美国高。
Burns notes that, overall, health and life expectancy in Glasgow have improved over the past 30 years.
Shorter working weeks might further increase health and life expectancy, Christensen and colleagues write.
Beginning in the 19th century, improvements in hygiene and living conditions were followed by vast improvements in health status and life-expectancy.
Beginning in the 19th century, improvements in hygiene and living conditions were followed by vast improvements in health status and life-expectancy.
The US ranks 1st in health care costs (as % of GDP), but 49th in life expectancy.
The US ranks 1st in health care costs (as % of GDP), but 49th in life expectancy.