Others may reflect mixed messages in press coverage of the healthfulness of foods.
The hope: that consumers will equate fewer ingredients with healthfulness, even when it comes to ice cream and chips.
Posted on the front of each package, this rating would let consumers assess a food's healthfulness at a glance, the report says.
The more processing that occurs, the more that food manufacturers add in sugar, fat, salt, and chemicals that reduce its healthfulness.
These latest research findings on pecan's healthfulness were published in the latest issue of Nutrition research, just released this week.
The serial products of Qiaopai are ideal famous-brand cookers which embody healthfulness, environmental protection. less power consumprion and high efficiency.
The kinds of packaged organic foods that now fuel the category's growth, such as cookies, baked goods, and boxed meals, also benefit from a similar perception of healthfulness.
The FDA is concerned mainly with the healthfulness of what people put in their mouths, and it seems unlikely that either of the new procedures will yield something that is unsafe to eat.
No doubt services would spring up to rate the healthfulness of different restaurants, just as services like Zagat rate the quality of the food and service offered in different restaurants.
And public messages about the healthfulness of alcohol are conflicting: While moderate drinking appears to have some health benefits, more consumption can obviously have real health costs.
Like many consumers today, Julie Bass, of Oak Park, Mich., appreciates the taste and healthfulness of organic vegetables, but isn’t much of a fan of how much going organic costs at the store.
Like many consumers today, Julie Bass, of Oak Park, Mich., appreciates the taste and healthfulness of organic vegetables, but isn’t much of a fan of how much going organic costs at the store.