By adopting broad prevention plans African countries could achieve 10 more healthy life years for their people.
Two years later, Emily has reached her 30-pound weight loss goal and knows she can keep up her healthy habits for life.
Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength &hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life.
In a study of over 8000 families, he found that in the most deprived parts of England people can barely expect 50 years of healthy life, nearly two decades less than in affluent areas.
Today, my mom is a healthy 54 year old who successfully owns and operates a popular bakery downtown - a goal she had all her life. 15 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer.
Okinawa has a reputation for having a healthy cuisine, as testified to by the life expectancy of the locals (at 81.2 years, it's the longest in the world).
Whereas the life expectancy for men aged 50 in European countries varies by some nine years, the years of healthy life differ enormously.
Some 2,500 years ago, Confucius himself noted that the examined life was the first step toward building a healthy society.
The EIU, a sister company of The Economist, attempted to measure how well countries will provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in years to come.
Healthy life expectancy in Africa is 45 years, a full quarter-century less than in high-income countries.1.
Healthy life expectancy in Africa is 45 years, a full quarter-century less than in high-income countries. 1.
Most of the people infected with the AIDS virus is still healthy, and in the absence of symptoms or only mild disease life for many years.
"One hour daily-exercise, 50 years healthy life". The idea of living a happy life has been deep into the hearts of people. Campus occurs an encouraging change.
Those who an experiment studied 184 pass 60 years old is healthy but life sloven.
The National Institute on Aging leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life.
Knowing you have people who support you keeps you healthy, mentally and physically: Chronic stress weakens the immune system and ages cells faster, ultimately shortening life span by 4 to 8 years.
While science explores how to add even more healthy years to the human life span, a graying society faces inevitable changes in attitude and lifestyle.
Making our babies happy and healthy in these critical first years of life will give them life-long protection against unhappiness and ill health.
We've all got a healthy respect for certain dangers in life, most of which was 6 hammered into us in our early years.
We've all got a healthy respect for certain dangers in life, most of which was 6 hammered into us in our early years.