Now he is usually seen around the corner of 48th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block or two from the heart of Times Square.
But one vital building block is missing from Intel's kit: an optical equivalent of the transistors that perform the logical operations at the heart of a computer.
The three-drug cocktail that is used by 37 American states is supposed first to induce unconsciousness, then to paralyse muscles and block breathing, and finally to stop the heart.
被美国37个州所采用的三种药物组成的“鸡尾酒”(three - drug cocktail)[3]理应首先导致意识不清,继而肌肉麻痹、呼吸受阻,最后心跳停止。
At the heart of DITA, representing the generic building block of a topic-oriented information architecture, is an XML document type definition (DTD) called "the topic DTD."
In addition, platelet clumping can cause small blood clots, growths on the heart valves or inflammation of blood vessels that can block the blood supply to the heart and brain.
It's an emotional block inside your own psyche, a wound in your heart and mind.
Just smoking one is enough to block your arteries and trigger a heart attack, America's chief medical adviser has warned.
Once that plaque builds up, it can rupture and completely block the artery, cutting off the blood supply to your heart.
Increased levels of circulating caffeine may block adenosine's action, causing blood vessels to constrict, subsequently triggering a heart attack, says El-Sohemy.
This is the meeting spot because most of the runners in this group call Skid row-a roughly 50-block area in the heart of Los angeles-home.
If too many clot, this can block blood flow, potentially inducing a stroke or heart attack.
Therefore, in the heart of the urban block, overlooked by the plant row, the play areas resemble to a big roofless space, sheltering children's games.
Mice treated with certain versions of drugs that block blood vessel growth suffered strokes and heart attacks, the researchers said.
Just a block from glittering Biscayne Bay, in the heart of the city, Four Seasons presents a sophisticated urban oasis - within easy reach of the very best of Miami.
White and shaped, it reminds at the same time of childhood innocence and of the curvaceous shape at the heart of the block.
He saw the house from a distance of about a block, and his heart began to jump.
The new Grand Rapids art Museum occupies one city block right in the heart of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Clots can block the flow of blood to the heart or brain and cause a heart attack or stroke. Scientists say aspirin prevents blood cells called platelets from sticking together to form clots.
An occasional temporary stoppage or extreme slowing of the pulse as a result of heart block, causing dizziness, fainting, and sometimes convulsions.
Pluvial fruit is the most influential one of work of force , knocking Zhong Ren to block Ximoduo is the figure with an appearance is deformed and exalted heart all the time in reader heart.
Regular irregularities occur with constant periodicity and are usually associated with partial heart block.
Fat can build up in the arteries, block the flow of blood, and cause a heart attack or stroke.
Paddy's heart seemed to block his throat.
Following a heart attack, irregularly shaped sections of dead scar tissue may form in the heart and block the electrical flow or cause a short circuit.
The clinic is one of Korea's largest, in the heart of Seoul's posh Kangnam shopping area where plastic surgery clinics are easily found on almost every other block.
RESULTS astemizole could slower the heart rate of mice, prolong P-R and Q-T interphase, even arise the complete AV block and sinus beat stop with the dose increase.
结果阿司咪唑使多数小鼠心率减慢,PR间期和Q T间期延长,随剂量增加,甚至可引起完全性房室传导阻滞和窦性停搏。
RESULTS astemizole could slower the heart rate of mice, prolong P-R and Q-T interphase, even arise the complete AV block and sinus beat stop with the dose increase.
结果阿司咪唑使多数小鼠心率减慢,PR间期和Q T间期延长,随剂量增加,甚至可引起完全性房室传导阻滞和窦性停搏。