Once that plaque builds up, it can rupture and completely block the artery, cutting off the blood supply to your heart.
But researchers from the University of Copenhagen now claim that cutting down on salt can increase the likelihood of death in some patients with existing heart problems.
I backed up, feeling a sword cutting my heart.
Previous research has already linked tea's healthy antioxidant properties and high flavonoid content to cutting the risk of some cancers as well as heart disease.
The key ingredient is thought to be the lycopene, the antioxidant already credited with cutting the risk of prostate cancer in men and protecting against heart disease.
Good diet, exercise, avoiding smoking and reducing stress — perhaps through cutting working overtime at the office — may decrease the risk of developing coronary heart disease.
Cutting down on that inflammation greatly reduces your chance of having a heart attack or stroke.
I'm cutting off a huge part of myself, throwing half my heart into a dusty corner and telling it I'll try to reconnect with it later.
The 'centenarian' version raises levels of 'good' cholesterol, cutting the risk of heart disease and, it appears, dementia.
They found that the 2 methods were equally successful in reducing blood pressure, cutting the risk of heart disease, strokes and kidney failure.
Spectators, only let the teachers take a look at his heart, cutting themselves had.
But to the east, the rocks have buckled into a series of steep north-south ridges, cutting down through the heart of Yunnan, the parallel mountains of the Hengduan Shan.
The face of life's troubles and setbacks, the most important is to straighten out his own heart state, positive face cutting.
面对人生的烦恼与挫折,最重要的是摆正自己的心态,积极面对一 切。
Carburizing and quenching, with high surface hardness, good toughness characteristics, the heart of cold plastic deformation of medium, cutting is good.
Wife a birthday cake cutting heart in wishing, husband watching cake heart curse.
The researchers focused on phytonutrients – plant compounds believed to boost the health of the eyes, bone, heart, brain and immune system, cutting the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Coronary heart disease is the UK's single biggest killer, causing one death every seven seconds, and exercise has long been seen as a way to reduce the risks by cutting obesity and diabetes.
The heart rate of NEWHOLLAND M160 tractor driver during the wheat cutting and sunning operation were tested and analyzed for understanding the fatigue conditions.
Although cutting back on salt does lower blood pressure, new research finds that it may also increase levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and other risk factors for heart disease.
I must applaud Dr. Rath as a progressive, cutting-edge health pioneer and consumer advocate! This book on heart disease is truly a gem, as far as cellular health and nutrition are concerned.
Last seen above the horizon, if not a happy heart on buying a piece of meat to go home and "chopped" So I would have bought a pig liver to be cut, cutting frenzy, junked into slurry.
Last seen above the horizon, if not a happy heart on buying a piece of meat to go home and "chopped" So I would have bought a pig liver to be cut, cutting frenzy, junked into slurry.