The heat brought him out in a rash.
Sometimes it seems as if baking soda is good for just about anything, and it's certainly good for relieving heat rash.
It's just a little heat rash, there is nothing to worry about.
Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin.
First of all, these days to keep cool, you can open the open air, and then give the child to drink plenty of water, heat rash will go.
QUICKLY clears rash from heat and athletes foot fungus. Was very happy to find it at such a reasonable price. Thank you!
The special bacteriostasis soap can instantly scour off the smell of sweat and funk, remove dirt while helping to control heat rash, clean up the common waste in hair follicle.
Gets up suddenly gives off heat, Ming Xiayan, the model skin rash, the mouth week to be pale, the Myrica rubra tongue, the handkerchief line, the recovery period shed skin and so on.
骤起发热、明峡炎、典型的皮疹、口周苍白、杨梅舌、帕氏线、恢复期脱皮等。 为猩红热的 (一)接触史。
The mosquito-repellent toilet water has the functions of eliminating heat rash, stopping itching, refreshing and preventing insect biting, with the mosquito-repellent action being last for 5-7 hr.
The mosquito-repellent toilet water has the functions of eliminating heat rash, stopping itching, refreshing and preventing insect biting, with the mosquito-repellent action being last for 5-7 hr.