But a small part, protected by a heat shield made of carbon-phenolic resin, survived and landed in the desert near Woomera.
Shortly before the uninhabited space station reached orbit in .May 1973,aeroaynamic pressure ripped off a meteoroid and heat shield.
在1973年5月无人空间站到达轨道前不久,空气动力压力扯破了一个流星体和挡热板。 分析:首先,从逻辑上看,说:“空气动力压力扯破了一个流星体”,是不合事理的,荒谬可笑的。
They do not cite any skin cancer cases linked to laptop use, but suggest, to be safe, placing a carrying case or other heat shield under the laptop if you have to hold it in your lap.
It later emerged that the spacecraft’s heat shield had been damaged on launch, letting superheated air inside and tearing it apart.
To withstand the temperatures and the radiation, the instruments will be protected by a huge carbon-composite heat shield that still needs to be built.
Thecompleted heat shield is scheduled to be ready for installation onto the Orioncrew module at Kennedy next summer.
While technicians took core samples of the spacecraft's heat shield around that time, in February Orion's back shell and heat shield were removed for further testing.
NASA will use the resulting flight data to evaluate the performance of key Orion systems, including the craft's heat shield and descent systems.
A tool that will allow the titaniumskeleton of the Orion heat shield to be bolted to its carbon fiber skin is atthe Denverfacility of the spacecraft's prime contractor Lockheed Martin.
The shuttle Columbia broke apart during re-entry in February 2003 due wing heat shield damage. Seven astronauts were killed.
NASA just announced five science experiments that will fly on the scorching probe, which will be protected by a carbon-fiber heat shield that can withstand temperatures of 2,500 degrees F.
NASA已经宣布将在这个"超级火热"的航空器中进行5项科学实验。 航空器将得到表面的碳纤维材料层的保护,这个保护层能够忍受华氏2500度的高温。
Crews in Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy space Center in Florida remove space shuttle Discovery's right-hand inner heat shield from engine No. 1.
佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心,OPF - 2机库内工作人员正从1号引擎上拆除发现号航天飞机的右内隔热板。这是发现号转移和退役处理工作的一部分。
NASA just announced five science experiments that will fly on the scorching probe, which will be protected by a carbon-fiber heat shield that can withstand temperatures of 2, 500 degrees f.
Last night, mission control told the astronauts that Atlantis' heat shield was in such good shape following Monday's launch that no further inspection would be needed next week.
Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe.
RF shield bellows have experienced a heat test and an impedance test.
The indoors SMD full color product: Uses the high polymer tofireproofingPC the revertex face shield and the aluminum alloy face shield, has the good heat dispersion.
In June, the heat shield was delivered to the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., for 2016 water testing.
The heat shield was then delivered to NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, known as the "home of SLS."
Our constructed environments shield us from heat and cold and protect us from predators.
All the superlatives associated withOrion's first mission this year – farthest a spacecraft for humans has gone in 40 years, largest heat shield, safest vehicle ever built – can be dazzling, no doubt.
所有相关于今年猎户座第一个任务中最高级(的东西是) -40年内为了载人而进行的最远的一个航天器、最大的热盾、有史以来最安全运载器- 毫无疑问可让人眼花缭乱。
The spacecraft was fitted with a heat-shield.
The result shows that heating efficiency of hollow cathode is effectively enhanced by using heat shield.
The result shows that heating efficiency of hollow cathode is effectively enhanced by using heat shield.