The biggest proportion in the heat balance is the potential heat flux, followed by sensible heat flux and soil heat flux.
In loess plateau, at the daytime, the net radiation contributes mainly to the latent heat flux, the sensible heat flux is minor and the soil heat flux is least.
The experiments identify that with the increasing of LAI , the ratio of soil heat flux to net radiation decreases from 0 13 in the jointing to 0 06 in the milking.
In the heat balance of ecological system in dune alternated with wetland area, the latent heat flux takes the most share, in the next place is sensible heat flux and soil heat flux.
Soil heat flux plays an important role in energy flux exchange between land and atmosphere, especially in arid and semi-arid region.
Soil heat flux plays an important role in energy flux exchange between land and atmosphere, especially in arid and semi-arid region.