In the heat balance of ecological system in dune alternated with wetland area, the latent heat flux takes the most share, in the next place is sensible heat flux and soil heat flux.
The soil heat flux content is only 5% of the net radiation.
Based on a microclimate observation, a study, on fine days, of the net radiation flux, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux on the alpine meadows of Haibei Area was conducted.
For homogeneous sandy loam soil, the diurnal variation amplitude of soil heat flux is very large, indicating the vertical heat exchanged is very strong.
The experiments identify that with the increasing of LAI , the ratio of soil heat flux to net radiation decreases from 0 13 in the jointing to 0 06 in the milking.
Among all component values of heat balance, the latent heat flux occupies the highest proportion from net radiation, both turbulence heat flux and soil heat flux occupy lower.
Soil heat flux from atmosphere to soil is about 5% of net radiation on a clear and cloudy day and soil discharge energy to atmosphere on a rainy day above the same field.
Soil heat flux from atmosphere to soil is about 5% of net radiation on a clear and cloudy day and soil discharge energy to atmosphere on a rainy day above the same field.