This is a postgraduate thesis focused on the Heat Meter for IC design, as well.
The accuracy of components in heat meter has fateful effect on its measuring accuracy.
It was considered for low consumed power to design the display and control circuits of this heat meter.
Interrupt request with the low power mode ensures the low-power of heat meter in the aspect of software.
But the common heat meter can only solve the measurement problem; it cannot solve the charge problem radically.
Develops a new type mechanical heat meter according to the design idea and technical features of SST technology.
Traditional heat meter is an integral structure of integraph, machine core and base, and it is uneconomical in use.
Signal circuits between parts of a heat meter shall be so installed as to deter unauthorized interference and disconnection.
This article introduces that the principles and methods of automatic measurement and control for single user IC card heat meter.
The principle, testing performance and experience operation result of RM-H type digital and intelligent heat meter are introduced.
介绍了RM - H数字式智能型热表的原理、测试性能及试验运行结果。
The principle, testing performance and experience operation result of RM-H type digital and intelligent heat meter are introduced.
However, the existing heat meters in the actual operation exposed the shortcoming of too much power which leads to the short using period of the meter.
IC card prepayment heat meter applying system consists of IC card prepayment heat meter, transmission media IC card and computer sales management system.
Based on the mathematical models of temperature sensor and flow sensor, the design methods of software and hardware of intelligent heat meter were narrated.
First of all, choose the microcontroller unit and components of a lower supply voltage, a wider voltage range to construct the hardware system of heat meter.
On the other hand the price of Europe heat meter is higher, it is not suitable to directly introduce the Europe heat meter based on the Chinese nation situation.
The tandem heat meter is not influenced by the decorative mode of radiator and artificial factor, having higher measuring precision, higher practicability and better economy.
After introducing the principle of heat meter, the paper presents a new type of intelligent heat meter, the designing methods of whose software and hardware are given in detail.
Besides, the accuracy of the meter is not high. Therefore, researching the way to reduce power consumption and improve the accuracy of heat meters has importantly practical significance.
The flux and the temperature difference between inlet and outlet of the heat-supply system must be measured when measuring heat flux by heat meter, and then the result can be calculated.
These cooling sticks are 7.6-meter-long steel tubes drilled into the soil; they contain ammonia, which draws latent heat out of the soil as it evaporates.
Heat flow meter is an important instrument for saving energy.
The C-value test of the evaporating heat distribution meter is the first time in our country.
In the end of the paper, we further discussed M-BUS, the significant meter bus in the field of heat metrology automation, and pointed out its advantages over RS-485.
文章的最后进一步探讨了对于热计量自动化有重要意义的仪表总线(M-BUS),通过与RS - 485的对比,说明了其性能的优越性。
Therefore, the spread and use of heat energy meter has important practical and long-term significances in many aspects such as pollution control etc.
Calculate the total length of electric heating cables needed according to total heat loss of pipes or tanks and the chosen power per meter.
This paper compared and analyzed existing detection methods, then took Heat Flow Meter method as research object.
The spatial distribution of the flux density is investigated by the CCD method and calibrated by heat flow meter.
The meter for heat charge should consider the position of the house and comprehensive amendment of heat quality between households.
The meter for heat charge should consider the position of the house and comprehensive amendment of heat quality between households.