The New Yorkers who spent a bundle on an outdoor hot tub now admit they rarely use it, "because we can't afford to heat it in winter".
With the advent of the five-year-plans, millions of women also began to toil in factories and in heavy construction, building dams, roads and steel mills in summer heat and winter frost.
In winter the heat produced by a city can equal or surpass the amount of heat available from the Sun.
In the future, they hope birds will live in the birdhouse and the heat of its green light will be used to keep birds warm in winter.
Hence, any heat provided by the ocean to this interface will lead to thinning of the ice in summer and to slower ice growth in winter.
Of course, it's not only the heat of the oven that feels so good in winter. Warming foods are also a great choice during this season.
Turn down the heat. Do this during the winter, especially at night, and you'll burn more calories.
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.
But here's the problem: On a cold winter day, that extra heat from sun would be helpful.
He points out that they can trap heat in the winter, and, he says, the retrofits required for water recycling would not have to be very sophisticated.
他如是评价杰里米金科的作品。 他指出这种设计在冬天能够保暖,而且,其对回收水用的设备的精密性并没有严格要求。
Roof insulation retains heat in the home in winter.
The warmer ocean would heat the air above it, which would slow the refreezing of ice in winter, which would in turn become even more susceptible to melting in summer.
However, this heat is efficiently released to the cold atmosphere already during the following autumn and winter.
There is less ice on Lake Superior during the winter, and consequently the water absorbs more heat.
Intimately connected with the length of day and night are our seasons, especially summer and winter; for together with the sun's light heat is also called forth.
In this region of southern Henan Province, in village aftervillage, people are too poor to heat their homes in the winter and manylack basic comforts like running water.
It's only half a glass of wine per serving and quite refreshing, especially in the dry heat of winter-time homes.
Some actions on our part are very simple and effective such as: Put on a sweater and socks and turn down the heat in the winter (even a degree or two will make a difference in the heating bill).
For the most part, windows aren't good insulators. They leak heat in the winter and let heat in during the summer.
In addition, it is very costly to heat the old hall in winter and cool it in summer.
During concrete winter construction, the hydration heat of cement can be made use of as a sort of energy.
In winter, some people conserve energy by lowing the heat at night.
However, the summer heat, winter cold, so the choice of the two season of photographing people is many.
You will have sailed in all conditions from warm trade winds, through winter storms, tropical heat of the Doldrums, crossing the Equator twice and the International Date Line.
You will have sailed in all conditions from warm trade winds, through winter storms, tropical heat of the Doldrums, crossing the Equator twice and the International Date Line.