Charles Boutron is an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France.
Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiments breathing in a laboratory's worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day.
I've heard from friends about persistent coughs and blood tests that show traces of heavy metals.
Incineration of heavy metals or materials with high metal content (in particular lead, mercury and cadmium) can lead to the spread of toxic metals in the environment.
Heavy metals could leech into the water table or the sea, they say, where they could harm people, reefs and other Marine wildlife.
GoodGuide rates toy cars not just on whether they contain lead, but also other toxic ingredients like mercury, PVC and a list of heavy metals.
Heavy metals from industrial runoff give the foam.
Some microbes like nothing better than to be nestled in a toxic sludge of heavy metals like zinc, arsenic and cadmium.
It was to test the effects of mercury on the heart that the two new studies compared the mercury levels in clippings from toenails, where heavy metals tend to be deposited.
It found gaping holes in the safety of American beef production, including residue of drugs, poisons and heavy metals in the meat we eat.
As with all TVs, LCDs have plastic shells treated with brominated flame retardants and wiring that has various toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, antimony and beryllium.
Before it can be released back into the nearby watercourses it has to meet stringent standards, including maximum levels of ammonia, heavy metals and any chemicals that might cause oxygen depletion.
Other biotechnological methods have led to organisms that improve food quality and consistency, or that clean up oil spills and heavy metals in fragile ecosystems.
While consuming such heavy metals is widely known to be harmful to health, there is little research done so far about their impact when inhaled into the body.
The EU barred the use of several heavy metals and flame retardants in electronic goods in 2006 and recently proposed expanding the scheme.
When rechargeable batteries degrade in landfills, heavy metals can taint the surrounding air, topsoil and groundwater, eventually getting inside our bodies.
FDA has not set a "tolerance level" for many of the drugs, pesticides and heavy metals found in beef, including copper and arsenic, which can promote growth and inhibit certain parasites.
Particle pollution - such as smoke, dust and heavy metals -- is known to irritate the airways and worsen asthma, and several studies have linked it to heart disease.
The residue found in third-hand smoke includes heavy metals, carcinogens and, even radioactive materials that are dangerous to children.
There is also lead, and heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury - you name it.
There are dangers in the form of heavy metals found in fish.
Inadvertently, he also lets flame retardants, bunker oil and heavy metals seep into the mighty ocean, and often invasive species too.
Those heavy metals can actually be reused to make more batteries, reducing the need to mine for new resources.
它们中所含的重金属如今可再生,生成更多的电池。 由此减少了对一些新生资源的需求。
The toxic buildup of lead, mercury, and other heavy metals in the soil and water near coal plants and smelting factories is not usually measured.
New strains of crops could better weather the changing climate, as well as resist disease, salinity, and toxic heavy metals.
In the town of Shushufindi, Texaco drilled for oil which brought up massive quantities of methane and tainted water intermingled with oil, heavy metals and oil byproducts.
In the town of Shushufindi, Texaco drilled for oil which brought up massive quantities of methane and tainted water intermingled with oil, heavy metals and oil byproducts.