These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load.
It is cruel of him to make the donkey carry such a heavy load.
The shoulder pole bent with heavy load.
The heavy load of managing production was then placed on his shoulder.
These sorts of issues are very hard to test for because they generally only occur when an application is under heavy load.
This helps to highlight whether some users are storing large quantities of E-mail on the server and presenting a larger proportion of the heavy load that needs to be addressed.
Due to the heavy load on the database system, it does not make sense to have several threads cleaning the process or task instances at the same time.
The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles.
This may become a problem if the hosting server (server 1) is under heavy load and has only a limited number of managed task resources available.
This heavy load will crush you soon.
Another time, I had a customer question regarding how the product handles transaction recovery under heavy load.
The trend is for capabilities which enable the application to run continuously even through offline reorganizations of data, schema evolutions, version upgrades, and heavy load variations.
The stress tool is a simple, high-performance, threaded HTTP engine that simulates a very heavy load of HTTP clients.
压力工具是一个简单的、高性能的、使用线程的HTTP引擎,它模拟高强度压力的 HTTP 客户负载。
Ability to start more processes to cater the heavy load Yes.
Accommodating peak activity minimizes the overhead of writing log records during heavy load periods.
As the product is tested in heavy load conditions, no other testing can be done on the server.
Stress test refers to tests that put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load on the product.
I haven't been able to stress-test it though, but in times past it really suffered under a heavy load and got quite slow.
The result is that a Rails application running on JRuby will usually be more responsive under heavy load than when running with the standard Ruby implementation.
因此,在处理负载较重的情况下,在JRudy 上运行的Rails应用程序的响应能力通常比使用标准Ruby实现时更好。
Improving startup performance under heavy load.
As discussed earlier, restarting parts of a WebSphere Commerce site under heavy load presents special challenges.
They also relieve the server from the heavy load of mundane page fetches.
But web services SOAP calls can be expensive that the server will receive a heavy load and response time will increase a lot.
The example NIO server was compared to Tomcat 5.0 under heavy load.
示例NIO服务器是在重负载下与Tomcat 5.0进行比较的。
Apache JMeter is an open source project you can use to simulate a heavy load on a server (see Resources for more information on JMeter).
Such a heavy load would stagger an elephant.
This code could fail in race conditions on servers with a heavy load.
A computer chip was attached to the brain of a giant beetle, so chosen for its bulk and ability to fly with a heavy load.
A computer chip was attached to the brain of a giant beetle, so chosen for its bulk and ability to fly with a heavy load.