This method changes filmed RGB color image HSI color space, it is main basis with H heft, combinative S and I heft undertake thick break up, get color initiative get together kind of center.
该方法将拍摄的RGB彩色图像转换到HSI颜色空间,并以H分量为主要依据,结合S和I 分量进行粗分割,获取颜色初始聚类中心。
This method changes filmed RGB color image HSI color space, it is main basis with H heft, combinative S and I heft undertake thick break up, get color initiative get together kind of center.
该方法将拍摄的RGB彩色图像转换到HSI颜色空间,并以H分量为主要依据,结合S和I 分量进行粗分割,获取颜色初始聚类中心。