Many investors just didn't feel the hefty price tag was justified.
Karen Lawrence, the college's President, defends the hefty price tag.
萨拉·劳伦斯学院院长卡伦·劳伦斯(Karen Lawrence)为这个高额的学费标价进行了辩解。
At midnight, despite a hefty price tag, Sony's new Play Station 3 goes on sale.
But each additional photo then carries a hefty price tag, perhaps a few hundred dollars.
For an actor or actress to have their name high on this list, the price of starring in a movie usually carries a hefty price tag.
Combine that with overall inefficiency and it all adds up to a hefty price tag for the taxpayer, with not much leftover for actual services.
The selling out of the item was an interesting twist after the brand was mocked by Twitterusers for literally selling a rock for such a hefty price tag.
Data recovery products like these can have a hefty price tag, and depending on the extent of the damage, they may or may not actually be able to repair your file.
Cured ham has long been enjoyed as an expensive delicacy around the world but the hefty price tag attached to these hams sets them apart from other similar products.
Cured ham has long been enjoyed as an expensive delicacy around the world but the hefty price tag attached to these hams sets them apart from other similar products.