Thread dampness hemagglutinin is the major pathogenesis of this disease.
Hemagglutinin inhibition test was performed to detect titer of antiserum.
Hemagglutinin is a viral protein that enables the flu virus to enter host cells.
Therefore, it was inferred that the hemagglutinin might be a glycoprotein on the virus capsid.
We would only provide the conserved stalk-or the conserved portion-of the virus's hemagglutinin.
We would only provide the conserved stalk -or the conserved portion-of the virus's hemagglutinin.
The hemagglutinin in kidney bean (PHA) is one kind of protein which can agglutinate animal's erythrocyte.
Most neutralizing antibodies recognize hemagglutinin , which is the major surface glycoprotein of influenza viruses.
Hemagglutinin specificity binding with glycan chains receptor on cell surface determines the host range of influenza viruses.
Aminoacids in the receptor binding sites of hemagglutinin have been shown to be associated with the receptor binding specificity.
Hemagglutinin (ha) is the most important surface antigen of virus and has subtype speciality, which induce the peculiar antibody.
Monoclonal antibody is produced by immunizing animals with a synthetic peptide containing the influenza hemagglutinin epitope (YPYDVPDYA).
Results Some of complete hemagglutinin occlusion were effectively relieved in vitro catheter and the catheters displacement was prevented.
When someone is vaccinated or infected, the immune system makes antibodies that mostly attack a protein on the surface of the virus called hemagglutinin.
In influenza and some paramyxoviruses the surface hemagglutinin, which is a glycoprotein attaches to the B. B. C containing complementary receptor.
To identify the antigenic characteristics and genetic variations of hemagglutinin genes from Influenza B virus, which circulated in Sichuan Province in 2006.
The method was used to design proteins that bind a conserved surface patch on the stem of the influenza hemagglutinin (ha) from the 1918 H1N1 pandemic virus.
研究人员通过该方法设计出来的蛋白,能够结合到广泛流行性病毒1918H1N 1蛋白血凝素(HA)主干上的一个保守的表面区域。
Objective To analyze seasonal influenza epidemic situation in 2006, and to analyze the genetic and antigenic characteristics of viral hemagglutinin (HA) gene.
The ha tag is derived from an epitope of the influenza hemagglutinin protein which has been used extensively as a general epitope tag in expression vectors (1).
However, binding efficiency varies between flu strains, and that variation is partly determined by the receptor-binding site (RBS) within the hemagglutinin protein.
Eb treatment inhibited viral replication by binding to influenza virus hemagglutinin, thereby preventing attachment of influenza virus to cells, the report indicates.
The D1 isolate of goose paramyxovirus caused 100% mortality of goose, duck and chicken embryos. Infected allantoic fluid could produce high titer of hemagglutinin test.
鹅副黏病毒d 1分离株能致死鹅胚、鸭胚和鸡胚,致死率达到100%,感染的尿囊液能产生较高的血凝效价。
The virus strain was identified Avian Influenza virus a, the sub-serotypes of hemagglutinin (ha) and neuraminidase (NA) were not determined. And the strain had excellent immunogenicity.
Primary immunogenicity end points were the rates of 4-fold or greater increases in serum hemagglutinin inhibition antibody to each of the 3 vaccine strains before and 28 days after inoculation.
The invention relates to polypeptide biological technical field, which discloses a spatial conformation mimic antigen epitope of H3-type influenza virus hemagglutinin, and relative application.
本发明属于多肽生物技术领域,公开了H3型流感病毒血凝素空间构象模拟抗原表 位及其应用。
The invention relates to polypeptide biological technical field, which discloses a spatial conformation mimic antigen epitope of H3-type influenza virus hemagglutinin, and relative application.
本发明属于多肽生物技术领域,公开了H3型流感病毒血凝素空间构象模拟抗原表 位及其应用。