I'm afraid I don't know her room number.
Lighting a cigarette in her airy, light-filled London living room, she shows me the blurred, faded number high up on her left forearm: 69388.
在通风的、光线充足的饭厅里她点着了一根香烟 并让我看她前臂上模糊的、有点褪色的编号: 69388.
When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would you say? (I will pick up your laundry soon and may I have your room number?) 4.
I will go to Ann's house. It isn't far. I can call the theater guild from there and give them her number. She will let us wait in her living room.
I will go to Ann's house. It isn't far. I can call the theater guild from there and give them her number. She will let us wait in her living room.