He was too high on drugs and alcohol to remember them.
The study's authors surveyed 12,395 students and analyzed nine risk behaviors, including excessive alcohol use, illegal drug use, heavy smoking, high media use and truancy.
There's a high duty on alcohol.
The risks of teetotalling are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles—not to mention violent behaviour and traffic accidents.
But there are levels of drinking that raise your risk for alcohol problems just like high cholesterol raises your risk for heart disease.
Experts said alcohol scored so high because it is so widely used and has devastating consequences not only for drinkers but for those around them.
High heat and alcohol do not mix.
It has teeth, especially in its call to use fiscal policies and marketing control to full effect to influence the demand for tobacco, alcohol, and foods high in saturated fats, trans fats and sugar.
However, earlier research has found a connection between high IQ and greater risk of alcohol abuse and dependence.
Although Britain's adolescent death rate is low compared with that of most countries, its morbidity rates - the long-term damage done not only by alcohol but also by obesity - are high.
Research shows that a high alcohol intake can also damage our mental health, impair memory skills and reduce fertility.
I am very concerned about the reported health impacts of mixing high energy drinks with alcohol and the impact this has on people's ability to function and the risk of alcohol related harm.
Alcohol is the third biggest public health problem in Europe after tobacco and high blood pressure.
It's not even as if (British) beer has a particularly high alcohol content.
Amy Thompson, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British heart Foundation, said: "This reinforces what we already know - that drinking high levels of alcohol can be harmful to your heart."
英国心脏基金会高级护师amyThompson说:“这又一次强调我们知道的事情- - -饮酒过量会损害心脏。”
I also really enjoy drinking alcohol, including some high-calorie cocktails.
But those who do drink in countries with high abstention rates consume alcohol at high levels.
In the long term, alcohol causes high blood pressure.
While too much alcohol is linked to high blood pressure, liver problems and infertility, resveratrol has been variously linked to fighting cancer, obesity, diabetes, and even the signs of old age.
The study of Japanese men years found that moderate to light alcohol consumption, coupled with high levels of social support, were linked to lower rates of heart disease and stroke.
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, high triglycerides, obesity, irregular heartbeats etc, which in turn leads to heart attack or other heart related ailments.
However, rats which did show high Numbers of NMDA receptors exhibited memory improvement when given small amounts of alcohol.
Happy hour may not be so happy afterward, as researchers have found that stroke risk is more than twice as high the hour immediately after consuming alcohol, even after as little as one drink.
And remember: alcohol is a drug with a high abuse potential, so moderation is always the name of the game.
With or without meat, filling up on fruits and vegetables instead of sweets, high-fat snack foods, high-sugar drinks and alcohol make weight control easier.
A larger than average proportion of Danish women are smokers, while the country also has high levels of alcohol consumption, both of which have been shown to increase the risk of developing cancer.
The trifecta of alcohol abuse, cigarette smoking and a high body mass index may be linked with alcohol-related brain injuries, a new study finds.
We are talking about the high-functioning alcohol abuser here, says addiction specialist Paul Leslie Hokemeyer, PhD. He works at the Caron Treatment Center's New York City office.
我们正在讨论的是重度酒精依赖者,在纽约卡伦治疗中心办公室(caron treatment center'snewyorkcity office)工作的研究酒精沉迷的专家paulleslie hokemeyer博士说。
We are talking about the high-functioning alcohol abuser here, says addiction specialist Paul Leslie Hokemeyer, PhD. He works at the Caron Treatment Center's New York City office.
我们正在讨论的是重度酒精依赖者,在纽约卡伦治疗中心办公室(caron treatment center'snewyorkcity office)工作的研究酒精沉迷的专家paulleslie hokemeyer博士说。