Brookman & Langdon were said to manufacture the most desirable pens and these necessarily command astonishingly high prices.
One of the most outstanding features at the beginning of this period was the prominence of Germanic generals in the high command of the Roman Imperial army.
You can implement high security with a single command.
Note: In a high availability environment the command may be different.
Alongside the NATO command structure, there will be a separate high-level committee of representatives from all countries taking part in military action, including Arab states.
But when you go to conferences or offer to speak to local user groups, nobody knows your name and you can't command the high consulting rates the IT superstars are bringing in.
The Liberal Democrats' high command denied that he was thinking of defecting.
For more complex unloads, you might be required to construct a control file and then pass it to the DB2 High Performance unload command line with the -f option.
对于更复杂的卸载,您可能还需要构造一个控制文件,然后使用- f选项将它传递到DB 2HighPerformance Unload命令行。
Run the command UPDATE STATISTICS HIGH against the database.
对数据库运行命令updateSTATISTICS HIGH。
You can achieve high performance using the dscli command.
您可以使用 dscli 命令以实现高性能。
The ship then sends the data via high-speed fiber-optic lines to a series of command centers, where oceanographers can analyze results in real time.
One caveat: The command only alerts when thresholds get too high.
HWM usage is the high water mark (HWM) or peak memory usage that has been consumed since the activation of the database partition when the db2start command was run.
HWMusage是当db2start命令在运行时,自数据库分区激活以来的最高水位标记(highwater mark, HWM)或峰值内存使用量。
The Air Force \ 's Air Mobility Command allows a prospective boom operator to qualify by completing virtual missions in high-fidelity boom-operator training devices in lieu of onboard a KC-135.
如果训练者在KC- 135加油机上的高保真加油操作训练设备上完成了虚拟任务,就能获得美空军机动司令部授予的加油员资格。
The process of choosing targets reaches high into the military command.
Figure 1 illustrates the high level command execution flow.
Cats can be trained to use a toilet bowl instead of a litter box, follow their owners at a command, or perform a high-five.
"Whatever decision high command takes... I was telling you in very, very simple understandable words," said Deshmukh.
All are still feted in Western capitals and can command high fees on the international lecture circuit.
If your bedroom also functions as a command station for your life and work, the likelihood of your sleeping being poor is rather high.
As for the operating system, file system management, as well as other information needed to the hard disk is formatted after the adoption of high-level, that is, to achieve the format command.
Equivalent, high-level command-line utilities.
From the Domino server console perspective, the value is too high when after issuing the Show Users command, you notice that names are not always listed next to the session.
If you want the high security Settings, run the aixpert command with the high level first using aixpert -l high, and then apply sox cobit Settings with aixpert -l sox-cobit.
如果需要high安全设置,那么先运行aixpert -l high命令以设置high级别,然后用aixpert - lsox -cobit应用sox cobit设置。
Summit co-host France , which is rejoining NATO's high command this weekend after more than 40 years, has not always seen eye-to-eye with the U.S. on military matters.
峰会承办国之一法国,在时隔四十年之后,将于被周末重新加入北约的统帅部。 法美两国在军事问题上一直意见存在分歧。
It his been calculated that the German High Command in the West can dispose of about 1,750 fighter air-craft, about half of which are single and half twin-engined machines.
It his been calculated that the German High Command in the West can dispose of about 1, 750 fighter air-craft, about half of which are single and half twin-engined machines.
Some Chinese learners, when they have a high command of the language, become embedded in Chinese culture. Language and culture are inseparable.
Leia rejoined Alliance High Command in time to accompany General Han Solo's strike team on the moon of Endor.
Leia rejoined Alliance High Command in time to accompany General Han Solo's strike team on the moon of Endor.