One reason for this is that areas near cities, Dr Fuller says, often have high land values whereas in remote areas, land can come much cheaper.
There is only so much land in New York's urban areas and the buildings can only stretch so high.
The High Coast site affords outstanding opportunities for the understanding of the important processes that formed the glaciated and land uplift areas of the Earth 's surface.
We will also carry out comprehensive audits in those areas which are of high concern to the public, including the revenue on the transfer of land use rights and transfer of mining rights.
Daqing and the surrounding areas are low Songnen Plain, Diving water level too high is basic reason that land salinization and secondary salinization in Daqing city and surrounding areas.
On the basis of the analysis the relationship of land use and transport organizations of the marginal high-speed railway terminal areas, the paper studies the layout principle of road network.
The system has led peasants in rural areas should not be a reasonable compensation for the cost of urban land is elevated, high urban housing prices.
The system has led peasants in rural areas should not be a reasonable compensation for the cost of urban land is elevated, high urban housing prices.