Skilled high-post operator who can shoot, pass, and fake way to free throw line.
However, if the job to be filled is a managerial post in a large bureaucratic organisation, a candidate who las a high need for power and a low need for affiliation should be selected.
Just make sure the links you post are relevant for your visits and that the sites are high quality.
That made it easy to find high quality related links to include in the post.
Because the Numbers were so large, the boomers developed a momentum of their own. They rode high on post-war economic recovery and increasing affluence.
The theory also suggests that space has fewer dimensions at very high energies of the kind associated with the early, post-big bang universe.
If the value of Post threshold sorts ratio is high, you should either increase the sort heap threshold (sheapthres), or adjust applications to use fewer or smaller sorts via SQL query changes.
In my today's post, I am going to show some high quality texture packs for Top Design Magazine readers.
(By the way if you said a number anywhere near this high, you are one extraordinary human being, and you shouldn't be reading this blog post, you should write a best selling book with me).
While this results in high quality translations, sometimes it can take a few days to translate a blog post, and we can't translate into the many languages our customers speak.
An existing post of high representative, or foreign-policy chief, will be greatly beefed up.
With small economies and high debt levels, they often depend on donors to finance post-disaster needs, but donor resources often arrive late or not at all.
In this post we've present some outstanding and high quality silhouette photographs to inspire you.
Japan was the first country to achieve sustained, high-speed growth, in the post-war years, but it did so alone.
Write a guest post: Lots of high-profile blogs will publish guest posts from other bloggers to help them get some attention.
Unemployment, now 3.9%, may head back towards the post-bubble high of 5.5%.
Contemporary footwear varies in style, complexity and cost, from the most basic sandals to high fashion shoes. This post showcases unusual footwear and creative shoe designs from all over the world.
His arrest and dismissal from his KPK post came after a tenure that saw numerous high-profile convictions of lawmakers, police officers, former central bank officials and businessmen.
She has completed more than a year now of post-high school study: computer training, preparation for the police exams.
The renminbi yesterday reached a post-revaluation high against the US dollar, closing at 7.9587 and breaking the record set a day earlier.
If it's an authoritative blog, 3-5 times per week, but each post must be unique and high value.
Until this year, the post-Depression high for that rate had been 4.2 percent.
Inflation has recently flared up, but at 3% in February it is tame; the post-war high, reached in 1975, was 27%.
Inflation has recently flared up, but at 3% in February it is tame; the post-war high, reached in 1975, was 27%.