Borlaug's advocacy of intensive high-yield agriculture came under severe criticism from environmentalists in recent years.
Second, investors in high-yield debt will suffer.
Move your money from your checking account to a high-yield savings account.
The S&P 500 already is up 39% since March 9 and high-yield bonds are up 31%.
In Europe, there were no high-yield (meaning risky) bond issues in the whole of 2008.
Some are saying that if there's a poster child for a bubble it's the high-yield debt market.
By contrast medium-dated Treasury bonds returned 95.3% and high-yield American bonds 102.2%.
Los Angeles is perhaps a curious home for a group of financiers with such a focus on high-yield credit.
Commodities worked out, and so did TIPS [Treasury inflation-protected securities] and high-yield bonds.
Yet high-yield varieties are also genetically weaker crops that require expensive chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides.
Over time farmers came to rely heavily on broadly adapted, high-yield crops to the exclusion of varieties adapted to local conditions.
These derivatives require Berkshire to pay when losses occur at companies that are included in several high-yield, or junk, indexes.
Even if profits had been terrible, owners of high-yield bonds would have suffered too because of a likely jump in corporate defaults.
In America the issuance of leveraged loans is growing much faster than high-yield bonds, though the overall amounts are still smaller.
But even assuming 30% to 35% equity, about $100 billion in high-yield debt and leveraged loans is needed to support $50 billion of equity.
Since 2003, the after-tax cost of raising debt has been much lower than the cost of issuing shares, even in the more expensive high-yield market.
Traditional distress funds have drifted reluctantly into risky, but still solvent, junk bonds and high-yield loans to keep business ticking along.
Big companies are turning away from the banks to the bond market as a result: high-yield bond issuance in March broke the previous monthly record.
One recent estimate expects default rates on high-yield debt to quintuple from 0.9% in 2007 to 4.8% this year. If the downturn endures, even that could prove optimistic.
Charles Himmelberg, a credit strategist at Goldman Sachs, forecasts that 14% of high-yield bonds will default this year, with the same proportion going phut in 2010.
That suggests it will take a long time before American house prices surge again, or before spreads on high-yield corporate debt get down to the lows seen earlier this year.
It is not hard to see why they resist: a safe system would force average returns lower as high-yield activities came with more frequent, but systemically harmless, failures.
Mike Thompson of Thomson Financial says that, since 1991, the correlation between the performance of high-yield bonds and the S&P 500 index has been pretty low—less than 20%.
After years of loose money in financial markets, some observers think the mortgage morass could cause investors to rethink their attitude to other forms of credit risk, such as high-yield bonds.
The chiral HMPA analogues were prepared in high yield by nucleophilic substitution between the chiral secondary amine and phosphoryl chloride.
通过磷酰氯与手性仲胺的亲核取代反应高产率地合成了手性HMPA 类似物。
To mutate breeding with Penicillium chrysogenum in existing production in order to obtain stable high yield strain.
The knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes with ethyl cyanoacetate proceeds smoothly in the presence of potassium fluoride giving products in high yield.
The knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes with ethyl cyanoacetate proceeds smoothly in the presence of potassium fluoride giving products in high yield.