When the high availability management system in WebSphere Application Server gets very busy, a failure to send the session might occur.
High availability is the system management strategy of quickly restoring essential services in the event of system, component, or application failure.
The purpose of clustering is to provide workload management and high availability.
The connection broker can provide a variety of functions including authentication, workload balancing, session management, high availability, and host monitoring.
This ensures high availability for your SQL management repository.
This includes authentication of users, control of access privileges, auditing, single sign-on, high availability, and logging that are elements of any security management solution.
The services weren't able to meet expectations of high availability, performance metrics, and defined service level agreements due to poorly designed service management architecture.
The new DB2 9.7 release also offers organizations more options in security management and high availability.
新的DB 2 9.7版本还在安全管理和高可用性方面提供了更多选择。
A comprehensive data management and business intelligence platform providing enterprise class scalability, high availability and security for running business critical applications.
SAP Adapter supports multiple interfaces for various integration needs, and also provides advanced capabilities like connection management, transaction, high availability, and so on.
WebSphere application Server can provide enterprise class facilities to your Spring applications, such as transaction support, work load management and high availability, to name a few.
The combination of this speed with high availability and failover features makes solidDB a natural choice as the data management component for many performance critical applications.
solidDB 不仅具有高速度,还具有高可用性和故障转移特性,这使它成为许多性能关键型应用程序的数据管理组件的自然选择。
WebSphere application Server is capable of hosting enterprise applications in advanced topologies, and features workload management, scalability, high availability, and central administration.
VMControl automates virtualized infrastructure management, improves workload resiliency (high availability) and reduces deployment time for new virtual servers.
Because the SiBus is a logical entity based on the physical implementation of a message-driven bean (MDB), there is no inherent high availability or workload management functionality.
由于SiBus是一个基于消息驱动bean (message - driven bean,mdb)的物理实现的逻辑实体,所以没有固有的高可用性和工作负载功能。
Providing a clear system management interface: One of the biggest hindrances for high availability related to human errors is the lack of a clear system management interface.
To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems, this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability.
The High Availability system aims at continuable service, dynamic resources management and convenience system manage tools.
Finally, the paper emphasized on essential three parts which were mainly done by the writer. First, policy-based management was adopted to achieve automatic management and high availability.
With the increasing requirement of critical and continuous task, high availability of database management system is paid more attention by industry.
Combining grid with P2P technology, describe new data grid file management protocol, which is decentralized, high availability and high manageability.
将网格和P 2 P结合起来,提出一种新的非集中式的、高效的数据网格文件管理协议。
An effective fault-management process is essential to maintain network service and high availability.
Meanwhile, the nonfunctional requirement aspects are also discussed such as efficient resource management, high availability, extensibility.
Meanwhile, the nonfunctional requirement aspects are also discussed such as efficient resource management, high availability, extensibility.