A heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum—that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.
We have looked at the medical aspects of runner's high which states that there is definitely a change in a person's physical state caused by the stress of running.
If an initiative is in an execution state, it is very difficult — and high risk — to add the burden of process change on top of other challenges.
A host or service is determined to have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high flapping threshold.
Objective. To report the reversible change of an intramedullary high-signal lesion on T2-weighted MRI as a presyrinx state.
The change of oligomer content was analyzed at static high-pressure state during polyester melt transfer course in screw extruder and pipes.
When the freshmen go into the university, they face role change in study, life, social interaction and mental state from high school to the university and cultivation of comprehensive innate quality.
The logic of the intelligent control programme is clearly, practical and high efficiency, making the output of power and the change of transmission ratio achieve a perfect state.
In this thesis, we study the chemical element content change in suspension, solution and sediment state when in low, high and normal flow season.
With 4 sets of built-in power supply, they can increase the amplifying efficiency by high-speed power supply voltage change according to the operating state.
With 4 sets of built-in power supply, they can increase the amplifying efficiency by high-speed power supply voltage change according to the operating state.