The secondary hydration of high fly ash content concrete is slow at the early period and then the velocity of it gradually increase.
Activator can enhance remarkably the activity of fly ash and accelerate secondary hydration reaction of high fly ash content concrete.
This paper introduces the mix proportion of high fly ash content concrete instead of 30% cement with fly ash and some experiment results of the test examples in laboratory.
介绍了在水泥混凝土中,采用粉煤灰替代30 %水泥的高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的配合比设计,以及试件力学性能的室内实验结果。
Durability of concrete incorporating high fly ash content is expounded on basis of the case of overseas research and the mechanism of improving durability is also researched into.
Finally, the paper investigates how the volume content of polypropylene fibers affects the fracture parameters of high-volume fly ash concrete.
The result shows that high content fly ash active powder concrete has small volumetric shrinkage and excellent anti-carbonization resistance to penetration of chlorine ion and to sulfate corrosion.
The strength development in long time of concrete with high content of fly ash was investigated.
Based on the practical projects, authors present that the concrete with ultra-high content of fly ash has better working performance and bright application future.
The experimental results show that with the increase of content and fineness of fly ash used in high strength concrete, the total areas of plastic cracking decrease.
The experimental results show that with the increase of content and fineness of fly ash used in high strength concrete, the total areas of plastic cracking decrease.