The addition of mineral admixtures is one of the effective approaches, which can improve fracture brittleness of high compressive strength concrete.
The shear strength between soil and structure interfaces in high stress is one of key research in shaft lining fracture theory.
Mechanical properties and fracture mechanism of high strength steel sheet with low yield ratio under impact loading have been studied through instrumented impact and quasi-static tensile tests.
A fracture mechanics approach to high strength optical fiber fatigue can be provided for identifying additional fatigue mechanisms that may control failure in more aggressive fatigue environments.
Applying theory of linear elasticity fracture mechanics to the analysis of high strength concrete (HSC) compress shear member's cracking stress, a corresponding model is established in this paper.
The SMA plate with the high content of impurity have two-step fracture phenomenon, whose ultimate fracture strength is higher than the normal one, however, its plasticity is worse.
The test results indicate that the addition of fiber is helpful to improve the fracture properties of high strength concrete.
In this article the effect is discussed that several mineral admixtures have on the fracture brittleness of the high strength concrete.
The paper advances two mechanisms about effect of aggregate during fracture of high strength concrete and adopts the point of energy to analysis of the mechanisms.
The values of the plane strain fracture toughness of the seven home-made high strength steels tested by this method are given.
Layered fracture occurs after tensile test of high strength ship plate.
The studies were carried out of the test of fatigue crack growth rate and relative to the microscopic morphology of fracture surface in certain high-strength steels.
Aiming at these problems, taking D406A steel as an example, this paper systematically studied the fracture behavior of the ultra-high strength steel and it's welded joint.
Compared with conventional structural steels used in Bridges, high performance steel (HPS) provides higher strength, improved weld ability, enhanced fracture toughness and weathering characteristics.
Hydrogen embrittlement is the process by which various metals, most importantly high-strength steel, become brittle and fracture following exposure to hydrogen.
Brittle fracture accident and countermeasure of the high-strength bolt of post junction of roof beam of.
The tests and methods of double-K fracture parameters for high strength concrete were studied by use of the splitting wedge samples.
Fracture-slurry volumes were similar in size for all four techniques, and100-mesh and 40/70 high-strength prop-pant (HSP) was used.
Under the high-temperature conditions, all the samples fracture in the side of aluminum; with the rise of temperature, tensile strength of the joint declines obviously, while elongation increases;
Under the high-temperature conditions, all the samples fracture in the side of aluminum; with the rise of temperature, tensile strength of the joint declines obviously, while elongation increases;