In some foods, those with a high glycemic index create a spike in blood sugar.
They have what is called a high glycemic index, the ability to raise blood glucose rapidly.
Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index means the sugar is more easily digested by your body.
High glycemic index foods to avoid include white bread, potato, and high sugar foods (like sodas).
High Glycemic Index food GI Numbers (more than 70) make our blood sugar and insulin levels rise fast.
Foods with a high glycemic index cause a greater insulin response than those with a low glycemic index.
Hence a food like watermelon, with a high glycemic index, has a low glycemic load, since much of the fruit is water.
A study has found that high glycemic index foods, like white bread, bagels and rice, increase the risk of lung cancer.
These foods have a high glycemic index, which means they release their energy quickly and can cause insulin resistance.
And while watermelon has a high glycemic index, a measure of a food's ability to raise blood sugar levels, that also adds to the confusion.
Avoid foods with a high glycemic index (note that most unsweetened cereals still have a glycemic index rating that is higher than granulated sugar).
Food with a low-glycemic index (LGI) causes blood glucose levels to increase more slowly and to lower levels compared to high-carbohydrate foods with a high glycemic index.
Low glycemic index foods are better for you because they produce only small fluctuations in blood glucose and insulin levels compared with high glycemic index foods like rice and potatoes.
Vegetables and whole grain foods are categorized under low glycemic index diets, whereas, foods with refined sugars and simple starches, like candy and white bread, have a high glycemic index.
She recommends sticking to foods with a low glycemic index, such as most fruits and vegetables, fish, eggs and meat, which don't raise the body's blood sugar levels so high.
Foods high on the glycemic index can cause glucose levels to spike, but this is just an indicator of the presence of diabetes, not the root cause.
Also, we found that if the carbohydrates are consumed as high fiber and whole grains (low glycemic index), they add some benefit to the increased protein content.
Foods high on the glycemic index, like sugared beverages, cake and white rice, are known to send blood sugar levels up sharply after a meal.
The study compared a high-protein diet with a low-glycemic-index diet, for which weight maintenance was less marked.
Rapidly digested carbohydrates, known as high-glycemic-index foods, increase blood sugar, which triggers an outpouring of insulin by the pancreas.
Rapidly digested carbohydrates, known as high-glycemic-index foods, increase blood sugar, which triggers an outpouring of insulin by the pancreas.