Transiting individual human capital into organizational capital is a guarantee for organization to get high performance.
An IT organization that has clear guidance, a Shared mission, and high expectations can focus the developers and engineers around the work and correct performance problems.
From performance management to talent retention to worker safety, providing appropriate and timely feedback makes the difference between a high-performance organization and a bankrupt one.
Process Performance Models (PPMs) become the essential ingredient for a high maturity organization as described by the Capability maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
By contrast, the people in a high-performance it organization don't feel different from other corporate citizens; in fact, they are.
The effect of hardening and tempering process on the organization and performance of high-strength and high-toughness non-hardened-and tempered steel of low carbon martensite is researched.
Organizations have learned that highly motivated and fulfilled employees at all levels produce high-performance results for the organization.
Within a few months, BNSF's newly merged it group became a high-performance organization-so much so that it beat the 24-month target by three months.
在几个月之内,BNSF ' s合并崭新的资讯科技团体变成一个高表现组织-这么多以便它在三个月之前打24月目标。
Within a few months, BNSF's newly merged it group became a high-performance organization-so much so that it beat the 24-month target by three months.
在几个月之内,BNSF ' s合并崭新的资讯科技团体变成一个高表现组织-这么多以便它在三个月之前打24月目标。