Presently, with the application of IGBT modules, new topology comes out continually, high voltage and high power switching regulated power supplys have been used in modern radar transmitters.
It's designed to provide a preliminary, high-level analysis of the estimated potential consolidation savings by switching to IBM Power Systems server from other platforms.
High frequency switching power supply made from it can not only simplify the circuit, but also can improve the EMC characteristics and reduce the cost.
Traditional phase-controlled rectifying power supply is being replaced by the switching one, which is characterized by high precision, low voltage ripple and high efficiency.
The efficiency of switching power amplifiers is high, that have advantages in the situations with high demands in cubage, efficiency, and loss.
Novel circuit structure and topologies family of uninterruptible AC switching power supplies with high power factor are proposed.
Medium frequency high power induction heating apparatus, for many years has adopted silicon controlled as switching devices.
Novel circuit structure and topologies of single-stage DC switching power supplies with uninterruptible power supply and high power factor, based on flyback converter, are proposed.
A new drive circuit for IGBT is designed. It features high switching frequency, high driving power, simple-structure and reverse-turn-off.
With chopping principle, switching power supply is chosen as the DC power supply because of its small size, low weight and high efficiency.
Low power, low voltage and high PSRR are the main challenges in designing bandgap reference for switching regulator.
High frequency switching power supply adopting soft switching technology, which has reliable high efficiency and long use time performances becomes the important part of DC power system.
So, the study of high-power switching adapter is becoming a hot issue.
With the continuous improvement on power density of high-power switching power supply, reasonable thermal design works as a prerequisite to ensure a reliable power supply.
Because of its high switching frequency and easy series connection, it is suitable for medium voltage high power applications.
How to reduce the switching loss of the power electron equipment is the key technology of high power of chopping AC regulator.
A new optimal pulse width modulation (PWM) technique with unsymmetrical switching angles was introduced for high power applications.
The key to realize the goal is the technology of ferrite used in high frequency switching mode power supply(SMPS).
Adverse effects of switching losses which operating at high frequency are analyzed at the beginning of a three-level matrix power converter configuration.
In order to satisfying the requirement of precision electronic systems for power supply systems, a high-voltage switching power supply was designed and fabricated.
The two-stage BDC has the advantages of ZVS switching, high power density, convenient to optimum design and convenient to modularize.
Water hung in the new Stone Towers is a hardware factory specializing in high-frequency switching power supply shell collection development, design, manufacture and marketing in an enterprise.
The power contains the DC power supply, high voltage divider and spark gap switching.
It has significant advantages, such as less distorted output, lower switching frequency, etc, and it has reality energy conservation significance in application of the high - voltage and high-power.
The technology of high voltage DC switching power supply has been successfully developed in advanced countries, but is under development in China.
A high frequency single-ended flyback switching power supply is designed with current-mode PWM controller UC3842 chip as its core.
The internal circuit is made of high-power relay switching which avoiding the phenomena often burned.
Switching power supply is more widely used to electronic equipment with its miniaturization, lightness and high efficiency.
Switching power supply is more widely used to electronic equipment with its miniaturization, lightness and high efficiency.