Most suitable for high efficiency and high quality welding of low carbon steel, stainless steel etc.
High quality carbon steel, low alloy steel and alloy steel seamless pipes for high pressure fertilizer equipment and pipeline.
The requirement of producing high quality carbon construction steel, pinion steel, bearing steel, low-alloyed high tensile steel, low-alloyed hardened and tempe…
能满足转炉生产优质碳素结构钢、齿轮钢、轴承钢、 低合金高强度钢、低合金调质钢、 非调质钢等钢种的需要。
High quality carbon structural round bloom, seamless tube bloom used in high pressure boiler, alloy structural steel tube blooms are all up to the general standard.
By way of "raising high carbon content and post blowing" as well as recarburization practice can the high carbon steel of fine quality be refined in the converter.
By way of "raising high carbon content and post blowing" as well as recarburization practice can the high carbon steel of fine quality be refined in the converter.