In this paper, high yielding cotton variety Simian 3 was used, as a typical representative and to be compared with Sumian 5.
A preliminary report on characteristics identification and high yielding mechanism of sweetpotato variety quanshu76 was described in order to give some references for its production.
The sweet potato variety Yushu 13, bred by inter varietal hybridization, is high yielding multi resistant and rich in starch content.
The paper showed that a new super high yielding pea variety 90 PE 10. was obtained by studying of new pea varieties introduction and culture techniques.
通过对豌豆新品种引种及栽培配套技术研究,成功地筛选出超高产豌豆新品种90 -PE - 10。
New sweetpotato variety Yanshu 16 is of characteristics with high- yielding good quality disease resistance, drought tolerance.
甘薯新品种烟薯1 6具有高产、优质、抗病、耐旱等特点。
New sweetpotato variety Yanshu 16 is of characteristics with high- yielding good quality disease resistance, drought tolerance.
甘薯新品种烟薯1 6具有高产、优质、抗病、耐旱等特点。