They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder.
The different vegetational parts differ in their food qualities: lower down, there are succulent, nutritious leaves; higher up are the harder stems.
In fact, those who thought that the images higher up the attractiveness scale were real directly corresponded with those who showed other markers for having higher self-esteem.
Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
As I rode the lift even higher up the mountain, I watched the people below move along the snow.
There’s actually another lesson i learned many years ago that directly relates to this… the higher up you go in any organization, the crappier their computers become.
The higher up you are, the faster time passes - by bringing relativity back to Earth.
This research and advocacy organization is working to get dementia higher up on the health policy agenda.
Generation by generation, though, Guan's children and grandchildren climbed higher up the educational ladder, and as they climbed they gathered the material fruit that came of their learning.
It may also explain some of the greening that has swept down the mountain's south-eastern flank; water from higher up may be percolating through rock and soil.
So if you spot sugar higher up than other ingredients in a particular food, chances are it isn't nutritious.
As one of those lowest in social class and a lover of someone much higher up the social ladder, the woman is subjected to all kinds of moral judgments.
Several states are simply expanding their SCHIP schemes to cover children higher up the income scale.
For example, the goal of reducing infant mortality among lower social classes, more prevalent than higher up the scale, initially appears laudable.
The atmosphere gets colder the higher up the rock vapor goes.
Recursion allows defining policies higher up in a domain and enforce them on all the component implementations and interactions within.
If a namespace has an associated prefix, the namespace can be declared higher up than the element where it's needed.
Therefore, any potential higher, up-front costs are more easily recovered over the duration of a project (see Sidebar).
If you had to build one subsystem at a time, such an architecture would force you to build the bottom layer subsystems first, and then go higher and higher up.
Smaller, more numerous species like the jellyfish are flourishing and plugging the gap left by animals higher up the food chain.
However, even noncancelable tasks should attempt to preserve the interrupted status in case code higher up on the call stack wants to act on the interruption after the noncancelable task completes.
However, the conference's final panel session showed that higher up the publishing chain, apps remain a sideline to executives' core focus on grappling with the wider shift to digital business models.
That which you see there, higher up in the door, near a nail, is the hole of a big iron bullet as large as an egg.
These ladies we venerated for being further along and higher up in their respective New Yorks.
The EPA has been trying to find out whether oil treated with dispersants at depth behaves in the way one would expect if dispersed higher up.
Below each of these activities, arrange the associated user stories, putting the most important ones higher up than the less important ones.
Below each of these activities, arrange the associated user stories, putting the most important ones higher up than the less important ones.