The concept of the method, which gives higher calculation accuracy, is clear.
The method has obvious advantages of higher calculation accuracy, visualized channel morphology and distinct capability of spatial analysis of scouring and siltation locations.
By contrast with trial method, normal equation method and plan solution method, present solution has good convergence stability, practicability and higher calculation accuracy.
The calculated results from the actual examples indicate that in comparison with the experimental algorithm, this optimal algorithm is of fast convergence speed and higher calculation accuracy.
The given example shows that the accuracy is very satisfactory and it has higher speed of calculation.
The algorithm are more simple, easy to use, with higher evaluation accuracy and faster calculation velocity.
The calculation using this rigid-frame element has the advantages of less original data requirements and higher accuracy.
An improved calculation method of reactance of armature reaction is put forward, which need less computation time and have higher accuracy degree.
The result shows that GSRM has higher accuracy than LSCM in strain calculation.
Numerical examples show the method have the characters that the calculation is easier, the accuracy is higher and it can find out the stability of any one strut.
Case studies that compared with the traditional recognition method, this algorithm owns higher calculation efficiency and recognition accuracy.
Compared with other sediment transport rate calculation models, the method was set up with higher reliability and accuracy and without wave measurement and surf wave element calculation.
Numerical examples show the method have the characters that the calculation is easier, the accuracy is higher and it can find out the stability of any one...
In order to improve calculation accuracy, factors such as effective power have to be corrected for calculation in design of a large ventilator due to higher impeller peripheral velocity.
The proposed algorithm overcomes the difficulty in choosing initial value for line search method, with higher success rate under the same calculation accuracy.
An improved calculation method of reactance of armature reaction put forward which need less computation time and have higher accuracy degree.
Then, the higher degree of accuracy of three-wave model is verified by annual temperature probability distribution map and the calculation of degree-hour.
The results in long scalelength case are in agreement with the well-known results but with a higher order in accuracy, and that in short scalelength case are consistent with numerical calculation.
The calculation results show that the boundary element method possesses some advantages, such as less work, higher accuracy and wider use.
The calculation accuracy and the calculation efficiency of hexahedron mesh generated by author are higher than tetrahedron element.
Simulation results show that this method has the characteristics of simpler, less calculation. It can get higher accuracy than traditional algorithms. In a word, this method has a bright future.
Based on the adequate examination of calculation for measured velocity profiles, the accuracy of the formula would be higher than that of the current international method.
The comparison of the calculation results shows that the accuracy of the proposed model is higher than the traditional empirical method.
Numeric calculation results show that the accuracy of the derived upper bound formula is obviously higher than current upper bound formula.
Numerical examples show the method have the characters that the calculation is easier, the accuracy is higher and it can find out the stability of a...
The method has advantages of less influence factors, higher accuracy, simplicity of procedure and calculation.
The proposed method has higher success rate under the same calculation accuracy.
This paper, based on the traditional method of function measurement, puts forward application on the VA of AHP, and according to the result of calculation, proves that AHP has the higher accuracy.
The accuracy of this method is higher than that of any other method, its calculation is simple and expedient, and it is easily mastered by cement technicians.
The accuracy of this method is higher than that of any other method, its calculation is simple and expedient, and it is easily mastered by cement technicians.