There is an organization there, and the organization can be improved, but it isn't highly organized.
It brings rigor to another question of statistical physics: How quickly does a highly organized system, such as compressed gas about to be released, reach its disordered equilibrium state?
These two work well as a team - Capricorn is highly organized and Scorpio has native shrewdness.
He and his colleague believe this ability later allowed for the crowded, highly organized and very social living habits of bees, wasps and ants.
Some people are highly organized, love folders, and desktop search might be completely superfluous to them.
The perusal of the secular, highly organized, Confucian society so admired by 18th century Enlightenment writers such as Voltaire is now out of fashion.
Separating your code in this manner will lead to a highly organized code structure, making it far easier to diagnose and fix any problems that may arise.
The second component [is that] at the time they're having a close brush with death, they have an experience. [it is] generally lucid [and] highly organized.
The highly organized person (sometimes 2-3 people) at the hub of the organizing effort, who keeps track of the work of all the different people and committees in the coalition.
By the time European explorer John Hanning Speke arrived in the late 19th century, he was astonished by the highly organized kingdoms he encountered, complete with courts and diplomats.
Highly cohesive OO designs are focused and organized in related modules.
Plants and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae), she says, “have evolved highly organized photosynthetic systems for the efficient oxidation of water.”
Frame processing has moved from "Yeah whenever we get around to it, " to a rigidly scheduled, highly organized affair.
Be highly organized and efficient.
Organized crime has been emphasized highly in all states.
Instead, depression seems more like the vertebrate eye-an intricate, highly organized piece of machinery that performs a specific function.
Rather, totes-speak is a highly organized system that relies on a speaker's mastery of English pronunciation.
Normal cells form similar, well-organized acinar structures in vitro, whereas in highly metastatic epithelial cell lines these structures are disorganized and lack polarity.
You tend to be highly organized and efficient.
It is a stimulating idea that the only reason man is aware of the past and not the future is that he is a complicated and highly organized structure.
We can define an ant as a small insect that lives in highly organized group.
Imagining yourself in your dream job, you might see yourself as an excellent project manager: a confident communicator and a highly organized person.
The ECM is a multifunctional complex of proteins and proteoglycans assembled in a highly organized manner that contributes to the structural integrity of cells and tissue within an organ system.
He is highly organized and efficient.
We benefited a lot from the well organized and highly international trade show.
You should be highly organized and efficient.
King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490.
波斯国王(公元前521- 486年),扩张帝国,建立了高效的行政系统,并入侵希腊,仅在490年的马拉松战役中被击败。
King of Persia (521-486) who expanded the empire, organized a highly efficient administrative system, and invaded Greece, only to be defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490.
波斯国王(公元前521- 486年),扩张帝国,建立了高效的行政系统,并入侵希腊,仅在490年的马拉松战役中被击败。