And when it came down to it, the ‘hoopla’, as Chelsea described it, that comes with being the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was worth it.
Believing she had found her soul mate, Hillary married Bill Clinton and moved to his home state of Arkansas.
The 2005 energy bill, which Hillary Clinton dubbed the Dick Cheney Lobbyist energy bill, offered enormous subsidies and tax breaks for energy companies.
2005年推行的能源法案,也就是被希拉里·克林顿戏称为DickCheney LobbyistEnergyBill的法案,向能源企业提供了大量的补贴和税额优惠。
The bill Hillary Clinton drafted and sent to Congress 16 years ago was more or less dead on arrival.
Pretty much wherever you look this summer, Hillary, Bill, and even Chelsea Clinton are in the news.
His opening section, a seemingly endless blow-by-blow account of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1970s, was like listening to the most fascinating tedious old man you'd ever heard.
Hillary Clinton was credibly accused of taking a bribe during her cattle futures scandal and there have been numerous allegations that money was paid to Bill Clinton.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are driving in the country near Hillary's hometown.
Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed, and intimidated his victims.
Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.
Listening in Washington you would think bill and Hillary rodham Clinton had come to town in beads and bell-bottoms.
Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.
Hillary joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock in 1977 and continued her job through 1978 after Bill Clinton had been elected governor, becoming Arkansas's first professional first lady.
1977年,希拉里进人小石头城的玫瑰法律事务所T。作。 1978年,克林顿当选州长后,她仍然在那里工作,成为该州第一位职业领域的州长夫人。
Hillary joined the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock in 1977 and continued her job through 1978 after Bill Clinton had been elected governor, becoming Arkansas's first professional first lady.
1977年,希拉里进人小石头城的玫瑰法律事务所T。作。 1978年,克林顿当选州长后,她仍然在那里工作,成为该州第一位职业领域的州长夫人。