A hipped roof has sloping sides.
I let the building be seen as one volume by employing a hip roof and laid the second floor of the housing in the hipped or inclined section.
The deflection of double-pitch hipped-plate grid structure increased significantly after earthquake, and the part of anchor bolts of rubber bearing were cut off.
This process dates back to thousands of yea rs ago when primitive drafters illustrated on the walls of caves the processes by which they lived , hunted , wo rs hipped , and died .
Four strong beige pillars forcefullu granite square, supporting double-hipped roof warped the cover the top of the ridge, likes rough wooden arches, reveal Ming style construction.
William Hammer of Augustana College found the new creature -- a four- to five-foot ornithischian or bird-hipped dinosaur that he believes is related to the fabrosaur or heterodontosaur.
奥古斯塔纳大学(Augustana College)的威廉·汉莫(William Hammer)发现了这种新的生物——一头四到五英尺的鸟臀目恐龙,他认为它与法布尔龙或畸齿龙有血缘关系。
The hipped gable porches at the centre of the building now accommodate large glazed sliding doors that provide a view straight through from the entrance courtyard to the fields at the rear.
The hipped gable porches at the centre of the building now accommodate large glazed sliding doors that provide a view straight through from the entrance courtyard to the fields at the rear.