You know him by his hunched-over posture, staring at a blazing screen while weaving down the street.
He hunched his shoulders and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.
Wes hunched his shoulders and leaned forward on the edge of the counter.
He sat hunched over his breakfast.
He got out his map and hunched over it to read the small print.
Hunched over a cup of hot lemon juice and pinching his throat in pain, Garry Kasparov didn't look quite ready to rumble with the rest of the human race.
"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks.It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.
"Work ethic" seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow.
George Kramer sat hunched on his stool behindthe counter of the small hardware store on Coney Island Avenue, gazingout the window at the passing traffic.
A lone pedestrian, his face hidden by a white surgical mask, hurried by, hunched and silent.
Hunched over, elbow on his knee, head resting on his palm, Captain Kearney began calling the families of the dead.
He hunched over his napkin, scrawled a number, and turned it over.
She asks the C.O. to wait outside the cell. Sara slowly enters and sees Michael, hunched over on the floor and holding his injured hand.
He sat on the sofa, hunched his back, and stared at his computer screen.
He sits hunched in his corner, drained by credit losses and a wounded business model.
He was crippled from the waist down, hunched forward and twisted to his left, but he navigated like a fish among the reefs of his workshops, hanging from rather than leaning on his wooden crutches.
So I slide out wordlessly, leaving Dervish hunched over his computer, his secrets intact, the coldness between us preserved.
因此我一言不发地溜了出门,让德叔叔弓着背忙于他的电脑, 他的秘密完好,我们之间的冷漠尚存。
Where once you would see him sitting hunched up on his porch for hours on end, now you see him hopping about all over town.
He is a stooped figure with a pale and puffy face, hunched in his chair.
Then in 1968 he met Gates, another gawky kid who was also spending all his free time hunched over the school's first computer, an ASR-33 Teletype model.
Work ethic "seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow."
Work ethic "seems like one of those chunks. It elicits a halo of simple images: a man hunched over a desk, staying late, furrowing his brow."